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Teaching Philosophy

Throughout all of my years of schooling and teaching within education I have been able to refine my teaching philosophy to best compliment everyone involved within the education system, most importantly the students.​

Ultimate Goal Of Teaching

Ultimately as educators our entire purpose should be developing our students both in and outside of the classroom. No matter what subject we teach or who are students are, our jobs as educators is to prepare our students for the “real world” after they graduate. Many of our students will go into career paths that vary from the subjects that we teach, but will still take our courses to meet the graduation requirements. Therefore my job isn’t to just strictly teach them the subject at hand, but to use our subject to help teach life lessons and skills that will help them grow not just as students but as people. To put it simply, my goal as a teacher is for my students to walk out of my classroom as better people than when they first came into the class.

Teaching Methods

As teachers we need to have the ability to instruct in multiple teaching methods to ensure the best learning environment possible for our students. In reality, very rarely do all students within a classroom learn the same way. Due to this, as teachers we need to have the ability to teach our students in the various techniques and methods that help our students best learn and retain the information at hand.

Assessing Students

When assessing students, I am a firm believer in growth and development above all. One of the greatest pieces of advice I’ve been given is, “It’s never about where you start, but more about where you finish”. I have taken this quote to heart and used this to help evaluate my students to create an environment where students aren’t afraid to fail, but excited to grow. This doesn’t mean that we shy away from assessing our students on their current state, but place more emphasis on their improvement and development throughout the course.

Growing Professionally

As teachers it’s very common that we expect our students to learn on a consistent basis. In order for this to be a reality, I believe that we as teachers also need to expect ourselves to learn and grow on a consistent basis. To make this possible I believe in reflection on a daily basis, as well as to use this information to build off the positive and learn from the negative. As educators, we should always be striving for the best for our students which starts with their learning environment and instructor.


I’ve been able to learn from those close to me that teaching can be both physically and mentally draining, but is potentially the most rewarding career path one can choose. More than any other profession, teachers have the ability to shape future generations and make an impact in the lives of hundreds of individuals every year. However in order to do that, I believe as teachers we need to place the needs of the student first and help them grow not just as students but as people as well.

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