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CTESS/IPOP Evaluations

According to Canyons School District, an “IPOP” (Formal Instructional Priorities Observation Protocols) is a tool for administrators/evaluators to observe in-service teachers to use as a line of evidence to promote growth and implementation in an educator’s performance.


Throughout the school year, provisional level teachers are scheduled to be evaluated 4 times in total. Here are the evaluation results from those 4 observations...









How These Scores Influenced Me To Become A Better Teacher

One way these evaluations influenced me to become a teacher is through the concept of feedback and reflection. More specifically, these observations provided me with concrete data which allowed myself the opportunity to evaluate my teaching practices. For example, one piece of information that was given to me throughout these IPOPs was regarding my feedback rate and feedback sequences. Throughout this feedback, I was able to identify that my feedback rate and sequences were a little inconsistent and needed to be prioritized more during my lesson planning process. By focusing more on the feedback portion of my lesson planning I was better able to set time aside to give the students more feedback to enhance their learning experience. With all this being said, this data allowed me to better understand what areas of my teaching practices were benefiting my students and which areas needed to be improved to give the students the best environment possible.

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