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Coaching Philosophy

Prepare The Kids For Life Without Baseball

Arguably the most important thing a coach can do for their athletes is prepare them for the real world once they stop playing their sport. In this instance, baseball ends for everyone - whether it's high school, college, or even in the professionals - at some point they will have to hang up their cleats and face the real world. Because of this the best thing we can do for our kids is give them the life lessons and tools to be successful in whatever career path they choose.

Turn The Kids Into Young Men

One of the greatest accomplishments coaches can get is watching their athletes grow both on and off the field, as they turn into contributing members of society while implementing the lessons learned through baseball into the real world as they 'win at life.

Focus On What We Can Control

One of the greatest pieces of advice I can give anyone regardless of career or situation, is to focus on the things in our control and let go of the things out of our control. There are so many aspects and situations in our daily lives we stress or obsess over that we have little-to-no control over. There is no benefit

Put The Kid In The Best Position To Succeed

Ultimately as coaches, our entire job can be summed up as putting our athletes in the best position possible in order to be successful. We obviously can't play for our athletes, but we can put them in situations to help them succeed. Every decision we make should have 1 purpose in mind... what is going to give our kids the best chance to succeed?

Strive For Continuous Improvement

It's never about where you start but where you finish. Every kid, every program, every coach starts from somewhere but the race isn't over until the finish line is crossed - not when the announcer says "go". Some races are longer than others but our whole goal is to trust the process and 'push the rock 200 feet at a time' until we reach the top of the mountain.

Create A Positive Environment And Winning Culture

A lot of kids thrive on positivity and structure which is why as coaches we should adapt to whatever suits our kids best to help them development as much as possible in multiple aspects of their life. While wins and losses will come and go, I strongly believe it is the coach's job to create a winning culture than doesn't just cement itself onto the baseball field but into multiple realms of their lives. I personally believe this is best done by teaching with positivity while still holding kids accountable and responsible.

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