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Learning Philosophy

When we look at how students most efficiently learn, I believe we need to understand that not every student is going to optimally learn in the same manner as their peers. Because of this I believe it is crucial for teachers to be diverse in their methods of teaching, as well as understand who their students are to help ensure the best possible learning environment for the students involved.


With all of the different teaching methods out in the world, I believe it’s important for teachers to be diverse in their methods of learning so we can best complement our students and their learning strengths. The main purpose in education is for teachers to help their students grow and learn throughout their years of schooling. Whether this learning is based on the psychomotor, cognitive, or affective domains, we as teachers need to be able to recognize how our students best learn and adapt our teaching styles to help our students best learn the required material.


It's also important to mention that every learner is going to learn at different rates as others, making it crucial for teachers to continue challenging our students to learn on a consistent and steady basis, while continuing to challenge their pre-existing knowledge for maximum learning and development. Very similar to Bloom’s Taxonomy, different levels of learners are going to be able to accomplish different leveled tasks. Our job as teachers is to understand where all of our learners are currently at and help them continue to grow and learn at a steady pace throughout their journey as life-long learners.

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